Babble Platforms Inc.


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Babble Platforms is a gamification studio for work.

BPI is building a new generation of productivity tools that feel like games.

A tool that aligns with your intrinsic desires makes you more excited and focused on your work, helping you do more and do it better.

We are making experimental tools that help people work autonomously, continuously improve themselves, and produce their best work ever.

🛠️ Currently Building


A virtual office where you build custom AI employees for your business.

CyborgowskiYouTube Twitter

A YouTube channel and Twitter account chronicling the story of building Chatforce.

Immersive Nirvanalink

A YouTube channel providing immersive ambient soundscapes to induce focus and concentration.

🏝️ Past Projects

City of Merlin Prototype link Kickstarter coming soon

A writing game that makes it fun to write a lot and consistently.


An AI-powered translation and dubbing tool that keeps your vocal characteristics and emotions the same across languages, for audio books, and animations.


A multi-model AI image generation app in the Mac toolbar.


TikTok for podcasts.


An audiovisual writing editor that responds to your writing with scenery and sounds.